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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
Hey, I can help you with Autoit and making a bot if you want, it's probably better to make one yourself than just look at my code, since I just started with AutoIT 2 days ago - you'd probably learn some bad habits and it wouldn't really make sense unless you went through all the steps yourself if you're not familiar with the scripting language yourself.

Anyway, my bot is almost ready for me to test how long it can go without human interference. It has been a fun journey making this.
(11-08-2014, 01:52 PM)smellysocks Wrote:  Hi,  smelly here,

I think I'll have a functioning version tomorrow or the day after,  Xanathos has been  quite helpful. So far I'm only implementing barbs and archers as I think anything else defeats the purpose of collector  farming and I'm trying to just get it functioning and stable as  soon as possible  (I will he TH8 in the game soon).  Extras are nice but the main purpose of the bot is just to gain resources while gone. I have some great ideas but I'm new to this so its taking  me quite a while to get the basics done but it's definitely doable.

The image recognition has worked out quite nicely for me, although it's definitely been time consuming to get it at a level where I'm comfortable with the accuracy.

Awesome! Looking forward to it. Smile

All that's left is coding the attack function, then it's done. The tricky thing is to get around the fact that during troop selection, depending on what barracks you are training from - you might run into the spell factory or dark barracks. So to avoid making max lightning spells and dark troops, you will need to make the bot distinguish that from the regular barracks and to skip them (I've successfully done that now).

I also need to code some kind of auto collect feature, shouldn't be too difficult but it's on my list after attacking. Also, I noticed LP bot gets out of sync with Clash a lot when it selects the bases too fast. This means that you might loose trained troops during a large loot search where you have to next a lot of bases (e.g. 200k+). So if I have to slow the search down by some ms then I will, as if you're boosting your barracks you want to get as much out of them as possible.
I spent all day trying to figure out how to unpack / decompile Lazypressing (I have no idea what I'm doing though). Although my coding skills are also very limited, I thought maybe if I see how he implemented different features I could learn from it and maybe even improve them (for example to also train minions in the dark barracks for faster overall training time shouldn't be too hard to add I guess).

Does anyone have the skillset and is willing to spend some of his time to point me in the right direction? Smile
(11-10-2014, 02:16 AM)spelaben Wrote:  I spent all day trying to figure out how to unpack / decompile Lazypressing (I have no idea what I'm doing though). Although my coding skills are also very limited, I thought maybe if I see how he implemented different features I could learn from it and maybe even improve them (for example to also train minions in the dark barracks for faster overall training time shouldn't be too hard to add I guess).
Does anyone have the skillset and is willing to spend some of his time to point me in the right direction? Smile
You would get more benefits (and all the time spent on trying to unpack it) by learning the basics of a bot than trying to learn from a decompiled program, first because you have to make it "readable", and without programming knowledge you would get nowhere, and second, you will probably wonder what is "X" or "Y" function.
Learn basic APIs about finding window handle, coordinates, pixel search, mouse and keyboard movements, there is a lot of macro tools that you can learn from, within few days you would be able to make a basic bot.
Good luck.
(11-10-2014, 01:30 AM)smellysocks Wrote:  All that's left is coding the attack function, then it's done. The tricky thing is to get around the fact that during troop selection, depending on what barracks you are training from - you might run into the spell factory or dark barracks. So to avoid making max lightning spells and dark troops, you will need to make the bot distinguish that from the regular barracks and to skip them (I've successfully done that now).

I also need to code some kind of auto collect feature, shouldn't be too difficult but it's on my list after attacking. Also, I noticed LP bot gets out of sync with Clash a lot when it selects the bases too fast. This means that you might loose trained troops during a large loot search where you have to next a lot of bases (e.g. 200k+). So if I have to slow the search down by some ms then I will, as if you're boosting your barracks you want to get as much out of them as possible.

Yay Smelly! haha.
Can't wait to try it. Smile

Smelly, you work fast. I think way to make lp bot better would be to attack right before training camp full by 10 or 15 units. May be hard to do though and not worth the effort. It is nice us get giants once in a while for getting dark elixir but lp bot drops them so slow. I'll do some beta testing for this bot Smile

Bot 2 directional?
Xanthros, be cool if you taught a bunch of us newbie coders a bunch of cool stuff over Skype or something that you could share your desktop. You seem to know your stuff better than anyone. Or even Smelly may be a good candidate. Give you guys a good review on linkedin Smile that's if you have a bunch of time on your hands. Doesn't seem to be any courses anywhere on bot making or hacking exes and not many videos even on vbscript or anything cool.

Something to think about.
I gave enough hints in this thread, if, by "teaching", you mean telling you exactly step by step what to do with a source to copy/paste in your compiler, then no, sorry it's not my definition of teaching.
Directed towards the last 2 stupid posts, reread my post and look if it ever asks anyone to make a bot for me. I even ask Smelly if he would do a tutorial and he already said he was building a bot. You guys just think anyone trying to learn something new is inheritantly lazy if they don't look everything up by themselves.
I work as an IT professional and know lots about networks and troubleshooting but not much about coding. I'd be happy to talk someone or a group through my knowledge of network structures as it is something I am passionate about. Guess coders idea of teaching is different.

I am appreciative of what xanthros has already told this form just seeing if he had time to do something cool like this. A simple, no I don't have time, would be understood.

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