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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
(11-03-2014, 02:00 AM)Memphis Wrote:  Ya, a lot of reg keys entered in. Wonder if it would be easier making own bot using quick macro. Trying it out using 30 day trial. Only thing I don't know how to do is tell the bot to attack when enemy has greater than 100000 elixir or gold.  Anyone know vb script command for that or if there is a way using qmacro?
Yeah I thought about that myself, there must be a way to read a certain address or something, but I'm not sure how. It seems more effort went into securing the program than the macro itself, as it all seems to just find the colour of the barracks, I imagine its doing something similar also attacking - finding the colour of the red line-border and spawning the troops plotted a certain way..shouldn't be too difficult.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smellysocks - 11-03-2014, 06:25 AM
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smelliersocks - 11-16-2014, 02:48 AM

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