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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
No problem. Plus, I can't really offer support to people who download it if I'm getting nothing. I have €1000 debt in student loans right now, so I think 99c is fair and not greedy for someone in my position (like LazyPressing's insane subscription of $10 or whatever it is a month).
Of course, it will probably be cracked eventually like everything, but there won't be support for it from me, and for hardcore clash players I'd say the 99c is worth it for future fixes/updates.
Also, the bot is made by someone who plays a lot of clash. My clan misses me - I haven't really been online in a week!

Messages In This Thread
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smellysocks - 11-13-2014, 09:28 AM
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smelliersocks - 11-16-2014, 02:48 AM

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