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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
Wrote a reaaaaaally quick Giant mode, spawns giants at a side of the map.
First it spawns one (bomb check), waits 2s, and spawns the rest. Then spawns normal troops in the 4 way fashion as normal, but I'm thinking in Giant mode to spawn the rest of the troops (barbs, archers) behind them to use them as shields instead (as they should be used).
It doesn't matter what other troops you have, but you will have to obviously have giants selected to train in the GUI for this to work (although training Giants does not turn on giant mode itself).

Might add a healer option too, but the attacks might be getting a bit too expensive for a bot then.

How's everyone elses bot coming along? If you need any help just post here/PM me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smellysocks - 11-15-2014, 01:31 AM
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smelliersocks - 11-16-2014, 02:48 AM

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