Hey guys!
I wrote a bot that searches for oponents who have their's th outside of village. Why is it usefull? For example if you are in master league it takes a lot of time( sometimes 100-200 clicks) to find th that you can easily destroy (to get loot or trophies). If it find oponent with th outside of village, it informs you by playing a sound. So 1) you can earn a big loot 2) get trophies to get to master(1000gems) or even champion(2000gems) league!
I'm now testing it and it works great... and of course it's undetected for ever.
PS: speed of searching is about 550-600 th / hour. It depends on your PING (how fast your village loads after clicking FIND NEXT), i have slow network so it's about 550-600 for me.
*sorry for my english, I'm still learning
If you want more info PW me.