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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
My script stopped working too. I mean it hangs after pressing the Try button. Alternatives?

EDIT: So please let me get this right... Basically everyone is making their own script/bot and no one releases it because it's working way too good? If I'm right this forum is all about open code and open source isn't it? I hate how some "steve jobs wanna be" ruin this passion this way. You made a bot? Release it or STFU even if it's not free but just do something. I really can't see the point in saying "I have a lamborghini but I keep it burried in my backyard". I know I'm acting "bully mode" (lol) but i really hate selfish ppl that only show off.

That being said let's all get to work and make a bot ourselves. Any autoit user or other software like that please contact me on skype: carpealexdiem and let's make a team for this script once and for all.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LazyPressing Clash of Clans Farming Bot - by smelliersocks - 11-16-2014, 02:48 AM
RE: [LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding - by carpealexdiem - 12-03-2014, 03:37 AM

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