yes adding dark and trophy would be easy, I'm gonna do it soon. I noticed the out of sync too and still thinking of ways to deal with it. It's not easy to do with Autoit since it's not multithreaded, you can only execute one function at a time (the Start/Stop button things require special function to actively monitor the GUI and even then variable check has to be implemented throughout the whole code ($RunState). I'm still looking for ways to do it, otherwise we're gonna need another lengthy check. It'll be great if you can help me list all possible error message or random pop up in game so we know what to deal with
I personally don't like the gold change either, but it seems effective, you can try to vary waiting time to see what works best..
don't know why but for some reason pixelsearch seems inconsistent to me, many times color end up not matching.. I'm still finding a solution for max zoom out check..
If we can successfully implement all check, next step would be optimizing attack. After all the bot's main purpose is loot lol