Minor suggestions,
A G+E+T option would be nice. If you attack someone with 33 trophies for example and fail you will only lose 17. It would allow you to stay in a higher league while you farm. Another somewhat related suggestion would be to add a trophy dropping option. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement. It is basically the same as your attack except you only send one troop and click surrender immediately after. I would also suggest a more spread out attack pattern. One I haven't seen used by bots is essentially where you quickly circle the perimeter . It has the benefit of a four way attack but instead of spawning a large number of units on a side at once and looking like a bot it simply trails along the perimeter like a person mine do with one finger.
edit: Looks like someone already suggested the trophy dropping suggestion, my bad.
This post was last modified: 12-24-2014, 08:47 PM by DiviniT3a.