Andrei1801   12-27-2014, 08:49 AM
Hey guys, I've been following this thread for a few days, AWESOME work, I have to say, it's quite impressive. I'm not fully familiar with AutoIt syntax, but it's somewhat similar to AutoHotkey and I do work with that. Hope I can be of some help.

(12-27-2014, 01:46 AM)kojometa Wrote: Okay i worked something out.
Test this and tell me if it works for you!

This is looking for a specific pixelcolor of the sword of the "traintroop" button in the bottom area of bluestacks.
if it finds that color, its gonna click on it.
tell me if it worked because this is the way the bot will detect buttons in the future anyway probably!

I don't think pixelcolor is reliable enough to use in this way, it will not work for everyone. For example, the color of a certain pixel varies for me even when I switch accounts (I play 2 bases). It is always the same color on the same account, but for some reason, it's not the same on both. I think imagesearch could work much better even though it's slower.
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