(12-27-2014, 06:13 PM)zealous Wrote: Anyone can teach me what to download and run ?
Edit: Nvm i worked it out.
Use Dark Barracks For BAM
Auto Boost
Auto Heroes
Most importantly , Dead base detection 
-Most of the time the bot rushes into a th10 which kills me even though he has 400k gold n elixr
People in this thread are working on it but it would be better to fix most of the bugs first. Eventually, we will get there.
If you have knowledge on imagesearch, pixelsearch or any ideas how to implement Dead base detection, we are happy to listen

. For now, there are a lot of problems associated with imagesearch due to inconsistency of images to match with. I was able to match some elixir collectors and non-elixir as well, so it's a problem. It feels like tesseract all over again but I can't filter-out any numbers since it utilizes images.
We need all the help we can get.
I recall there are atleast two people here who are knowledgeable with imagesearch. I have a few questions for those who know.. I noticed from the 'coc-en' folder, the picture that they used there is on red background. Does that help filter out image detection? Second, what is the best picture quality that would help detection? 24bit or 32bit Bmp or PNG or GIF? And third, how can we match non-rectangular image cut? is it possible?