(12-31-2014, 12:55 AM)bushido-21 Wrote: ok thank you very much
after i edit the script i will try it and update you the result..
(12-31-2014, 01:32 AM)GkevinOD Wrote: You have to actually locate the file, not everyone is the same and that's where mine is located. If you have that error, then it's probably not going to be where mine is.
can we use something like this?
Func _ProgramFilesDir()
Local $ProgramFileDir
Switch @OSArch
Case "X86"
$ProgramFileDir = "Program Files"
Case "X64"
$ProgramFileDir = "Program Files (x86)"
Return @HomeDrive & "" & $ProgramFileDir
EndFunc ;==>_ProgramFilesDirh