(12-31-2014, 04:16 AM)Kaz Wrote: Hey all,
I was waiting for GKevinOD's release before I started working on it.
I've added a few things:
Pre-Alpha v005_1 Update Log (Kaz):
- Able to save position of GUI window
- Added Random Factor to be able to randomize the delays (avoid bot detection)
- Able to log now - under /logs (mainly for debug)
Link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=9879...5128940889
Source code and 32/64 bit versions are also in this link.
Nice work Kaz,
Nice i know why i dont have those restart problem... Coz I did have but the restart went well and i didnt see the loop restart. The log really helps.
And also the save last position of GUI is good. Ask if you can also give the code to make bluestacks windows to move to last known position.