korpsx   01-01-2015, 02:42 PM
So I tested the bot for about 45 minutes and there were some minor glitches. I had to watch and assist it but it was rather awesome watching the bot run.

1. For some reason, when it was "training the troops" it kept bringing down the notification bar of Bluestack and i think it might have messed up finding the barracks as the logs kept saying Barrack 2 Not available etc.

2014-12-31 20:24:25 : Barrack 3 is not available
2014-12-31 20:24:30 : Training Troops Complete
2014-12-31 20:25:02 : Training Troops...
2014-12-31 20:25:15 : Training Troops Complete
2014-12-31 20:25:48 : Training Troops...
2014-12-31 20:26:01 : Training Troops Complete
2014-12-31 20:26:05 : ===============Searching For Base===============
2014-12-31 20:26:18 : Cannot locate Next button, Restarting Bot
2014-12-31 20:26:23 : Training Troops...
2014-12-31 20:26:36 : Training Troops Complete
2014-12-31 20:26:41 : ===============Searching For Base===============
2014-12-31 20:26:53 : Cannot locate Next button, Restarting Bot
2014-12-31 20:26:58 : Training Troops...
2014-12-31 20:27:10 : Training Troops Complete

2. Also in the log above, after it trained the troops, it didnt find the "Attack" button so it had to reset itself because it couldnt find the "Next" button. It looped itself third times, so I just assisted it and hit Attack button first to start Searching for the base.


I think TH detection would greatly help with the Bot. If it could detect TH, you could have a TH8 attack Th7, etc. (The Bully Mode)
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