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Hello TBC!
Hello everyone!
I'm S-0999, I found this site through the user Dan. The site looks very good so far! I'm new to reverse engineering itself but I do know some basics. Thought I'd drop by and maybe learn some more reverse engineering and maybe contribute myself. I'm kind of a programmer and basic web developer, still new to programming. I program in C++ & Python, I also know the basic web development languages such as HTML & CSS.

For the most time I either spend my time watching anime or read about security. You could say that I'm kind of a Grey Hat hacker, but I'm not sure if I should even call myself a hacker. I'd rather see myself as a security enthusiast. My favorite interests are security, anonymity, privacy & cryptography. Still kind of new to cryptography but I'll be sure to lurk around this forum seeing that you have a cryptography section.
That's my introduction, see you around!
Welcome to TBC!
Welcome to The Bytecode Club, enjoy your stay!
= = = = Here to help. Pm if you need me. = = = =
Thank you both for the warm welcomes!

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About The Bytecode Club

We're a community focused on Reverse Engineering, we try to target Java/Android but we also include other langauges/platforms. We pride ourselves in supporting and free and open sourced applications.
