So clash already has an autoloot search auto stay alive functions with a fair few variables already built in utilising the xmodgames mod. Turn that into a fully fledged bot just requires troop training, barracks boosting and recognising when xmod has found a base then auto attacking.
The troop training, barracks boosting, resource collection and auto attacking can all be easily set with a touch macro but recognising the mod finding a base is not as simple.
It should be alot simpler then coding your own bot though.
Xmod searches really quickly(high speed connection it nexts every 1-2 seconds) and doesn't leave clouds until it finds a base according to the variables you've set. So screen goes from white clouds to full colour base after 3-10 minutes of searching also can be set to play a sound when base is found(perhaps an auto attack triggered by xmod accessing the sound file used?).
Additional features may be auto reconnection after 6 hour break/maintenance
Not sure if it's something everyone would be interested in but it could be a good alternative to a full bluestacks bot. I could set it up on an old rooted phone leave it plugged in and would use a lot less prossessing power. Or have my bot with me all the time so say I'm at work/home put my phone on charge and run the bot while I'm busy but it's still easily accessible when I want to play, spend resources or check in on the bot(remote access to home pc can be tedious with poor connections).
Xmodgames is available on play store
Requires root access
A fair few touch macro apps out there, most are paid. If you are interested in helping and need a cracked version let me know
This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 08:37 PM by knowskones.