knowskones   01-05-2015, 08:34 PM
So clash already has an autoloot search auto stay alive functions with a fair few variables already built in utilising the xmodgames mod. Turn that into a fully fledged bot just requires troop training, barracks boosting and recognising when xmod has found a base then auto attacking.
The troop training, barracks boosting, resource collection and auto attacking can all be easily set with a touch macro but recognising the mod finding a base is not as simple.
It should be alot simpler then coding your own bot though.
Xmod searches really quickly(high speed connection it nexts every 1-2 seconds) and doesn't leave clouds until it finds a base according to the variables you've set. So screen goes from white clouds to full colour base after 3-10 minutes of searching also can be set to play a sound when base is found(perhaps an auto attack triggered by xmod accessing the sound file used?).
Additional features may be auto reconnection after 6 hour break/maintenance
Not sure if it's something everyone would be interested in but it could be a good alternative to a full bluestacks bot. I could set it up on an old rooted phone leave it plugged in and would use a lot less prossessing power. Or have my bot with me all the time so say I'm at work/home put my phone on charge and run the bot while I'm busy but it's still easily accessible when I want to play, spend resources or check in on the bot(remote access to home pc can be tedious with poor connections).
Xmodgames is available on play store
Requires root access
A fair few touch macro apps out there, most are paid. If you are interested in helping and need a cracked version let me know
This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 08:37 PM by knowskones.
promac   01-06-2015, 01:28 AM
Very interesting ...
Ok let's see if I understand that you want to do:
- Run AutoTouch (.lua script) -> make troops , donations , requests , attack , return to village
- Run Xmod together with AutoTouch ---> Search village , conditions of searchs and Keep alive and reconnect..
With Extended functions in autotouch i think you can do it.
something like this :
Konloch   01-06-2015, 02:53 AM
Interesting idea, the only downside I can see to this is the requirement for your phone to be rooted.
promac   01-06-2015, 04:18 AM
Yes, both programs need root acess ...

Ok with the ios platform you have just a few different screen resolutions , in the world of android imagine the amount of devices ....
you'll need to use well the getScreenSize(), getColor(), findColor(), findImage() to make a decent bot...
cryzies   01-06-2015, 05:32 AM
Another downside is xmod doesn't work on blueatacks and not many people will want to keep their phone on to bot overnight or 24/7.

knowskones   01-06-2015, 07:12 AM
This post was last modified: 01-06-2015, 07:14 AM by knowskones.
Antidote   01-06-2015, 08:04 AM
I used to create a custom lua script to run on my rooted iphone with xmod. it managed to attack twice I think before getting out of sync and screwed up lol. After playing around a bit more I gave up and used it for tinder instead =)

But I believe if you have a stable connection it can still does its job right (not failproof though)
This post was last modified: 01-06-2015, 08:04 AM by Antidote.
knowskones   01-06-2015, 06:02 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

Looking into the mobile ocr engines. Seems most suggest porting teseract to android. Your current open source bot runs on teseract right? How much work would be involved in porting the entire bot?
ow3rk1ll   01-06-2015, 08:22 PM
there is actually an app for it they made it maybe some experience guy can crack it site is this
knowskones   01-07-2015, 11:10 AM
Neat little app. Runs on rooted Android and rooted bluestacks. Full of features aswell.

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