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Lf robot reset. Advanced reset.
I posted in the front end thread but didn't get an answer.
What I'm looking for is rather then restarting the bot at preset time(50minutes) is to alter the script to read the bot output. When the bot say "no gold change detected returning home" wait a couple of seconds then restart bit. This would mean restarting every 20 minutes but end result would mean none of those awkward restarts. It fairly often restarts mid training, donating, searching and attacking. All these situations mean the bot has to restart clash to find its way back to the home screen. If it restarts mid search attack it usually means losing cups and resting training time on qued troops. Resting during donating has randomly clicked accept on new recruits.

Let me know if anyone can help achieve this or if it's reasonably easy for me to learn (0 experience).
Using A function like seems it should be a pretty simple alteration to the original script.
good idea!!! i might add this one later.
New version of lf-robot coming out today. Not sure but could mean updating scripts. Fingers crossed they haven't patched the restarting trial.

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