Hi All... Since am new.. am gonna do a small contribution...
I manage to find the solution for background mode after testing it out on few comp and laptop.
here is the step you need to do..
1) Download Latest BlueStack v0.9 from this link.. which shared in the previous post from dinobot. (version 0.8 will not work!)
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks *Depend on which windows you using bluestacks folder location might be different*
Look for HD-Frontend -> Right Click Properties -> Compatibility tab -> Tick disabled desktop composition
-> Tick Run this program as an administrator
3) Download and extract the Bot file and register the resolution 860x720.
4) restart computer first
5) Open BlueStack
6) Open the Bot
7) Click on windows button -> type services -> Look for Desktop Window Manager -> Right Click STOP. -> Right Click again RESTART/START

Here you go...You may start BOTTING! background mode enabled,main screen locate successful, troops building