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v5.3.5 - many new features
Have been using it all along.. Just need to shift your collectors around.. Avoid putting them at the edge of the map...
The only problem i have it's that when i select dead base and finds something it's given me an error but pressing ok 3 times it will continue to attack that base.
I am on Win7 x86
(01-09-2015, 01:10 AM)dinobot Wrote:  @AlexXxuTzZu,

you are probably running on wrong .exe file.. likely you are on 64bit windows but u are running on 32bit .exe...
try recompile to x64 and try again.

I'm having the same problem, I'm on a 32 bit OS but my processor is 64 bit based (downgraded ram cause I only used it for the bot). The bot itself also shows "running on x64 operating system".
Any ideas how to fix this?
I compile it myself, and i'm using 32bit of win7.
Maybe can try the method on the last post...
It worked, thanks!
working great with dead base...:-) thnx

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