I'm a TH8 with lvl 5 archers and barbs. I set my max trophies to 1450 and minimum gold to 150,000. I don't set any requirement on elixir because I am always maxed on it. I find that at this trophy range I tend to find a lot of TH7 and TH8. Much higher and I start running into a lot more TH9. I average 400k or so per hour of each resource or 800k combined.
So how about you guys? What is your TH level, your Barb and Archer levels, and what are your settings? If you had to estimate, how much do you average per hour of each resource? You don't have to answer all the question but any additional info helps.
So far the settings I would recommend are:
Th6 1000-1250 max trophies with resource setting 50-80k
Th7 1250-1350 max trophies with resource setting 80-100k
Th8 1350-1600 max trophies with resource setting 100-150k
Th9 1600-1900 max trophies with resource setting 150-200k
Th10 1900-2000 max trophies with resource setting 200k
So how about you guys? What is your TH level, your Barb and Archer levels, and what are your settings? If you had to estimate, how much do you average per hour of each resource? You don't have to answer all the question but any additional info helps.
So far the settings I would recommend are:
Th6 1000-1250 max trophies with resource setting 50-80k
Th7 1250-1350 max trophies with resource setting 80-100k
Th8 1350-1600 max trophies with resource setting 100-150k
Th9 1600-1900 max trophies with resource setting 150-200k
Th10 1900-2000 max trophies with resource setting 200k