im testing it atm, and its is pretty good! i just doesnt like the way it train troops...i set 30% barb, 60% arch, 10% gob, wich is 100% plus 8 giant and 4 WB. the bot start at barrack 1 and train like this ->barb -> arch -> gob -> 8 giant -> 4 WB, but at the 4 barrack only train 1 WB, to complete the was thinking, it will be awesome if the bot start training 2 giant at each barrack plus 1 WB, and then barb,arch and barrack 1 the bot will train: 2 giant, 1 WB , 11 barb, 23 arch, and 4 gob. wich in total is 44 barb, 92 arch, 16 gob (152 total) + 8 giant, 4 WB (48 total) so, 152+48=200. and after that u can add a timer to let the barrack train all the troops, instead keep training, u can let the bot recolect resources, ask CC troops, donate CC, etc.
im suggestion this, cuz once the bot fill the barrack with the troops, its start over again training troops, and when the troops are ready, we got, 4/5 giant, 2/3 WB, and the rest mix barb arch and gob...but not the % used
EDIT: im not complaining or telling u that is bad...i must to tell u, this change that u have made its pretty good! im using it atm and have a great results! its just a suggestion =)
This post was last modified: 01-26-2015, 12:43 AM by danilp12.
Windows 8 pro x64
Ati 5770 HD
AMD Phenom II x6 1090 T
4Gb Ram
DirectX 11
NET .Framework 4.5.1
AutoIt. v3.3.12.0