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Dropping troops
Any chance it could do like lazypressing with dropping troops like going up and down instead of one place?Smile. hope you know what i mean
i got no idea what you mean but basically everything is possible Wink
hmm not sure how to explain itTongue
He means like this:
This is doable, but a little too much work for a feature that doesn't add functionality. Probably will be worked on once every kink is worked out.

ah okieWink
This is essentially useful to avoid possible detection. an experienced player drops troops using 2 fingers swiping motion (for barchers). just my 2 cents Smile
This is actually quite simple to do. I modified attack function to resemble what you say (if you want to look more naturally random factor can be added to coord as well)
sample code:
    AUTOIT Programming
  1. Local $numBarbPerWave = Ceiling($atkTroops[$Barb][1] / 2)
  2. Local $numArchPerWave = Ceiling($atkTroops[$Arch][1] / 2)
  4. Switch $deploySettings
  5. Case 0 ;Two sides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. SetLog("~Attacking in two sides...")
  7. If _Sleep(1000) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop
  8. ;Local $numBarbPerSpot = Ceiling((($atkTroops[$Barb][1] / 2) / 5) / 2)
  9. ;Local $numArchPerSpot = Ceiling((($atkTroops[$Arch][1] / 2) / 5) / 2)
  13. SetLog("Dropping first wave of Barbarians")
  14. ;Drop first round of Barbarians
  15. Click(68 + (72 * $Barb), 595) ;Select Troop
  16. If _Sleep(100) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop (2)
  18. $i = 0
  19. For $a = 0 To 4
  20. If $i = $numBarbPerWave Or Not $RunState Then ExitLoop(2)
  21. Click($TopLeft[$a][0], $TopLeft[$a][1])
  22. Sleep(Random(150, 200))
  23. $i += 1
  24. For $a = 0 To 4
  25. If $i = $numBarbPerWave Or Not $RunState Then ExitLoop(2)
  26. Click($TopRight[$a][0], $TopRight[$a][1])
  27. Sleep(Random(150, 200))
  28. $i += 1
  29. For $a = 3 To 0 Step -1
  30. If $i = $numBarbPerWave Or Not $RunState Then ExitLoop(2)
  31. Click($TopRight[$a][0], $TopRight[$a][1])
  32. Sleep(Random(150, 200))
  33. $i += 1
  34. For $a = 4 To 1 Step -1
  35. If $i = $numBarbPerWave Or Not $RunState Then ExitLoop(2)
  36. Click($TopLeft[$a][0], $TopLeft[$a][1])
  37. Sleep(Random(150, 200))
  38. $i += 1

Attached Files
.au3   COC Bot v5.4.0 (natural attack).au3 (Size: 98.27 KB / Downloads: 6)
(01-06-2015, 11:04 AM)Antidote Wrote:  This is actually quite simple to do. I modified attack function to resemble what you say (if you want to look more naturally random factor can be added to coord as well)
sample code:


Thx, but did not work got error when it found base matching my settings will post the error code here in some mins

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